Dr. Tom Brenna and SNP’s Scientific Nutrition Advisory Council invite you to attend the 7th Annual State of the Science Symposium virtually or in person in Washington D.C.
Grilled Scallop and Watermelon Kebabs
From watermelon.org, this grill-ready and rich-with-flavor recipe combines watermelon cubes with sea scallops.
Salmon Sushi Cups
Not only do these sushi cups feature deliciously marinated salmon, but they also feature an easy way to get your sea veggies in for the day!
Seaweed Salad
This light and refreshing version of sunomono salad is perfect for the rising heat. This recipe uses wakame, just one of the types of edible seaweed.
Higher blood levels of omega–3 fatty acids had a risk reduction of sudden cardiac death of 80-90%
A study that followed 22,071 male physicians over 17 years found that those with the highest blood level of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids compared to those with the lowest blood level had an 80-90% risk reduction in sudden cardiac death.
Study shows eating seafood 2x week reduces the risk of dying from heart disease by 36%
A Harvard study found that eating approximately one to two 3 oz. servings of fatty fish a week—salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, or sardines—reduces the risk of dying from heart disease by 36 percent.
Breaking News from American Heart Association: “Keep saying yes to fish twice a week for heart health”
A scientific advisory released May 2018 from the American Heart Association reaffirms the Association’s recommendation to eat two servings of fish per week.
Older adults with highest blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids lived on average 2.2 years longer
A study found that older adults who had the highest blood levels of the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish lived, on average, 2.2 years longer than those with lower levels.
Fish is Brain Food
It is important to remember that our daily food choices influence our mental health as much as other self-care such as physical activity, connecting with friends and family, and sleep. And the evidence is strong that seafood is brain food.