Julie welcomes Linda Cornish, President of the Seafood Nutrition Partnership, a non-profit organization inspiring a healthier America through a balanced diet that includes seafood.
7 Tips for a Perfect Picnic
It’s Picnic Month! From the trees to the breeze, Seafood Nutrition Partnership offers easy solutions on how to make picnics a fun family gathering. Trying to soak up the sunshine while enjoying a delicious and nutritious meal together? Check out our tips and recipes below. “Picnics should be a prescription for health,” said registered dietitian...
Your Ultimate Guide to Grilling Fish & Enjoying Seafood This Summer
Grilling seafood is not complicated and makes for an easy, healthy and delicious summertime meal that can be cooked in just a few minutes.
Seafood Nutrition Partnership Launches a Summer of Science Series
Seafood Nutrition Partnership is excited to launch a Summer of Science series to educate and inspire everyone around the health benefits of delicious, nutritious seafood.
Article: Mood-Boosting Foods, Like Seafood, Help Address Rising Mental Health Concerns
Fish is like a multivitamin for your brain. Fish is more than just an excellent source of lean protein and essential omega-3s, it provides other vitamins and minerals important for mental health.
Seafood Organizations Are Helping Communities Meet Food Needs
Seafood Nutrition Partnership is highlighting some of its partners in the Seafood4Health Action Coalition and their programs that are giving back to their communities and helping more Americans enjoy nutritious seafood.