Enjoy this clam chowder recipe for lunch or dinner to keep your family healthy and warm!
Seafood Nutrition Partnership Announces Significant Results From Pilot Eat Seafood America! Campaign
Remarkable results from a fall Eat Seafood America! pilot campaign show for every $1 spent on ads driving consumers to buy seafood at retail there was a measurable $9 increase in seafood purchases.
10 Ways to Start Fresh with Seafood
We're sharing some ideas to help Americans focus on long-term lifestyle changes, including adding more seafood, for improved health all year long.
Support Your Immune Health by Eating a Variety of Seafood
Seafood, both fish and shellfish, provides essential nutrients to the body that support immune health.
It’s Time for a Heart-to-Heart: Discussing Seafood for Heart Health!
We're sharing some ideas to help Americans focus on long-term lifestyle changes, including adding more seafood, for improved health all year long.
Feature in Supermarket News
Healthy eating “is the leading driver for seafood growth,” said Jessica Miller, nutrition communications manager at the Seafood Nutrition Partnership
Mackerel Pasta
Try this quick, easy, and budget-friendly canned mackerel pasta recipe that you and your family will love!