Cultural eating patterns and diets rich in seafood, such as a Mediterranean Diet, are noted to reduce inflammation, one of the ways eating fish appears to reduce depression.
Seafood is Brain Food: Depression
Anxiety and depression affect at least 6% of adults in the United States – or 1 in 17 - with twice as many women as men affected, and it occurs across all ages. People who regularly eat fish are 20% less likely than their peers to have depression.
Seafood is Brain Food: Anxiety & Stress
Research shows that our daily food choices influence our mental health, and evidence is strong that seafood is brain food. Feelings of anxiety and stress can be eased by regular consumption of fish.
Seafood for Kids: Breathe Well
Research shows that omega-3 DHA improved children’s immune responses
Seafood for Kids: Healthy Eyes
Nearly half of our eye’s light-detecting cell structure are made up of omega-3s.