Seafood nutrition facts curated by the Seafood Nutrition Partnership that servers can use to seal the seafood sale.
Canned foods nutritionists swear by
Canned fish is a quick and easy option, especially for those who shy away from cooking raw fish.
10 lunches to boost your brain health
While eating a nutritious lunch is certainly smart for your overall health, did you know that certain foods might directly impact the health of your brain?
Happy National Seafood Month!
October is National Seafood Month! Seafood Nutrition Partnership, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is urging us all to eat two servings of sustainable seafood each week.
Seafood Nutrition Partnership Hosts Webinar Series for Dietitians to Showcase Sustainable Seafood for Human Health
The program, underwritten by the Walton Family Foundation, will coincide with National Seafood Month in October
Everything You Need to Know About Picking Out and Preparing Fish
There are so many reasons to love seafood. It's delicious and versatile — throw it on the grill, add it to a pasta dish, use it in tacos, or toss it in soups. Plus, the high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids found in some types of fish help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke and protect your brain.
Seafood Nutrition Partnership President Linda Cornish Explains Why Kids Should Eat Seafood
Linda Cornish, president of the Seafood Nutrition Partnership, joins Amanda Buckle and Lorin Castiglione on the latest installment of the Seafood News Podcast.
Navigating Seafood Sustainability
Health experts understand the nutritional importance of promoting the consumption of seafood, but retail dietitians also know that consumers have seafood questions that pertain to more than dietary recommendations.
How Mia Syn Fuels Her Workout with Seafood
Mia Syn, MS, RDN was recently on ABC-4 in Charleston talking about how she uses seafood to recover from a workout.
Nutrition By Mia: Independence Day
SNP partner and registered dietitian Mia Syn shares some delicious and nutritious ideas to celebrate Independence Day.