NBA MVP Kevin Durant eats seafood at least six times a week – 8-ounce servings of some of his favorites, including salmon, sea bass, scallops and shrimp.
5 Reasons Runners Should Eat More Fish
Women’s Running // April 24, 2018 Did you know that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating at least eight ounces of fish per week? Read the full article.
Sustainable Seafood Series Part 3: Seafood Certifications
There are a number of seafood certifications out there so we're here to tell you what they mean and what to look for during your next trip to the store.
Ask the Seavant: Slow Cooking with Seafood
Can seafood be part of a slow cooker meal? Yes! Seafood is great in slow cooker meals.
Slowing Down with Slow Roasted Salmon
Life moves pretty fast so why not slow down with this slow roasted cooking technique from Barton Seaver.
Sustainable Seafood Series Part 2: Wild & Farmed, How to Choose
Farmed vs. Wild: what does it mean, how to know what you're buying was caught or farmed responsibly, and more.
Sustainable Seafood Series Part 1: What is Sustainable Seafood?
April is Earth Month, so it is a great opportunity to learn about a sustainable food supply and preserving our waters for future generations.
How to Eat More Seafood + Why You Should: A Comprehensive Guide
Marissa’s Well-Being and Health // March 30, 2018 As a pescatarian who also doesn’t eat dairy, I tend to eat a lot of seafood, but if you don’t have the same restrictions or preferences, eating seafood might not be top of mind. Read the full article.
Which Fish Is Richest in Omega-3s?
Health organizations suggest an intake of at least 250 to 500 milligrams of omega-3 EPA+DHA per day.