Fish is like a multivitamin for your brain. Fish is more than just an excellent source of lean protein and essential omega-3s, it provides other vitamins and minerals important for mental health.
Seafood Organizations Are Helping Communities Meet Food Needs
Seafood Nutrition Partnership is highlighting some of its partners in the Seafood4Health Action Coalition and their programs that are giving back to their communities and helping more Americans enjoy nutritious seafood.
Eating and Buying Seafood on a Budget
Buying seafood on a budget doesn’t need to be complicated. Utilize this guide to find the perfect seafood to satisfy your price point and diet.
Seafood Wins! Why Athletes Turn to Fish for Fuel
Every athlete strives for an edge over the competition. Daily training and recovery require an eating plan that matches these physical demands. This is why fueling properly is crucial for peak performance. An athlete’s diet is not hard to achieve, especially when you’re open to introducing seafood into your diet at least twice a week! ...
Trends Helping with Inflation Problems
Why are seafood sales remaining strong amidst increasing inflation? Christine Blank at SeafoodSource reports with insights from SNP President Linda Lai Cornish, MBA.
Feature in Today’s Dietitian
SNP's RDN and Nutrition Communications Manager was quoted in Today's Dietitian stating that only "about 20% of the population is eating seafood at least twice a week" which is the recommended consumption according to the FDA.
Stock up Your ‘Cantry’ this National Canned Food Month
February is National Canned Food Month, a great opportunity to update your ‘cantry’ with some seafood staples. Did you know that cans are one of the easiest and most affordable ways to get seafood in your kids’ lunch boxes and on the dinner table?
Perfect Valentine’s Day Recipes
Everything you need to know about chowder during National Soup Month.
Aquademia Podcast with Linda Cornish
Hear Linda Cornish's amazing pathway that had her bouncing around to so many different industries, and how it led her to seafood!