Diverse makeup of task force represents wide range of seafood industry
The National Seafood Council Task Force is holding an initial Expert Working Group meeting in Arlington, Va., on Sept. 21 to help inform the design of the National Seafood Council to conduct the most comprehensive, consumer-facing seafood marketing campaign in our nation’s history. Findings from this initial meeting will be shared with the broader seafood community.
Seafood Nutrition Partnership (SNP) is incubating the National Seafood Council with advice and input from the National Seafood Council Task Force, which is composed of representatives from 29 companies along the diverse seafood supply chain. These industry leaders and advisors offer unique expertise crucial for the success of this initiative. (See full list of companies below.)
The vision of the National Seafood Council leverages many of the recommendations from NOAA’s Marine Fisheries Advisory Council (MAFAC) published in July 2020, for an industry-led, federally-supported seafood marketing and education campaign. The goal is to build a more resilient seafood sector, improve public health and foster a healthier planet through seafood education, research, promotion, and marketing directly to American consumers. More than 60 organizations signed on to a letter to Congress in May requesting Congressional appropriations for this national seafood campaign.
One of the key objectives of the NSC Task Force is to be representative of the diverse U.S. seafood supply chain. The makeup of the current NSC Task Force members and their representatives shows a balance of small- to medium-sized businesses and large-sized businesses, wild-capture and aquaculture-based companies, as well as equality in gender. (See charts for more data.) The task force represents companies located in states along the East Coast, West Coast and the Gulf, Alaska and Hawaii, as well as inland.
Eleven small- and medium-sized seafood companies joined the NSC Task Force recently after gaining scholarship, supported by the Walton Family Foundation:
- Alaska Wild Caught Seafood
- American Albacore Fishing Association
- Bon Secour Fisheries, Inc.
- Bosarge Boats, Inc.
- C&G’s Wild Alaska Salmon
- Duna Fisheries
- Fishpeople Seafood
- Harlon’s LA Seafoods
- New Hampshire Community Seafood
- Straight to the Plate
- United Fishing Agency, Ltd.

The 29 member companies of the 2021-2022 National Seafood Council Task Force are:
- Alaska Wild Caught Seafood
- American Albacore Fishing Association
- Beaver Street Fisheries, Inc.
- Blue Ocean Mariculture
- Bon Secour Fisheries, Inc.
- Bosarge Boats, Inc.
- Bumble Bee Seafoods
- C&G’s Wild Alaska Salmon
- CenSea, Inc.
- Cooke, Inc.
- Cuna Del Mar
- Duna Fisheries
- Eastern Fish Company
- Fishpeople Seafood
- Gorton’s Inc.
- Harlon’s LA Seafoods
- High Liner Foods, Inc.
- Judson Reis
- King and Prince Seafood
- Mazzetta Company, LLC
- New Hampshire Community Seafood
- North Coast Seafoods
- Premier Catch Seafood
- Rich Products
- Sea Port Products Corporation
- StarKist
- Straight to the Plate
- Trident Seafoods
- United Fishing Agency, Ltd.
For information on joining the NSC Task Force, please contact Linda Cornish, lcornish@
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