Health Professionals • Seafood Nutrition Partnership

Health & Nutrition Professionals

As a nutrition or health professional, you know people are often overwhelmed or confused about how best to prepare a tasty seafood dish. The Seafood Nutrition Partnership can help! These resources can help you to teach your clients how to buy, cook and enjoy seafood they can feel good about.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Communications Toolkits

Additional Resources

Resources for Retail Dietitians

Store demonstration resources

Delicious quick, simple, no-cook recipes:


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New Omega-3 Seafood Chart

Which Fish Is Richest in Omega-3s Chart

​Seafood Nutrition Partnership created a one-page resource highlighting best choices when it comes to omega-3 in various species.

​Health organizations suggest an intake of at least 250 to 500 milligrams of omega-3 EPA+DHA per day. Find out which seafood has the most omega-3s:

Latest Research

Seafood Helps Those Winter Blues, Research Shows

Combating loneliness during the cold and lonely months of winter can be difficult, but seafood can help! Research shows the omega-3s found in seafood can support your brain through bouts of loneliness. Social isolation affects the activation of our serotonergic pathways—but omega-3 fatty acids (specifically EPA and DHA, found in seafood) and vitamin D both have an important role in the actions of these pathways and are thus, critical nutrients for everyone, but especially people who are dealing with loneliness. According to a 2015 review published by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, vitamin D, EPA, and DHA...

SNP Programs

As you look for ways to create a culture of health and wellness and teach Americans about the importance of seafood nutrition, tap into our fun and interactive programs to support your efforts!

The lessons are a perfect fit for organizations to use within their existing curriculum, afterschool programming, community outreach, or to implement as a new program. The online programs reinforce key elements of chronic disease prevention, nutrition, and the importance of seafood for overall health and wellness.

Eating Heart Healthy

Eating Heart Healthy, an interactive cooking and nutrition workshop, is Seafood Nutrition Partnership’s signature program developed in partnership with Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Roxbury Tenants. The program is offered in a 1-session and 4-session format. LEARN MORE and access free resources.