Seafood for Your Heart: Omega-3s Reduce Inflammation • Seafood Nutrition Partnership

Seafood omega-3s EPA and DHA help reduce inflammation throughout the body that can damage your heart.

Seafood omega-3s EPA and DHA help reduce inflammation throughout the body that can damage your heart.

The omega-3s EPA and DHA found in fatty fish and omega-3 dietary supplements help to maintain healthy blood vessels and may help reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation can damage your blood vessels and potentially lead to heart disease.

EPA and DHA omega-3s are integral as structural components of cells within your heart and we are still learning about all of their heart health benefits.

With more than 2,000 studies conducted on omega-3s and heart health, the totality of evidence suggests that there is a positive correlation between increased omega-3 intake and heart health benefits.


Some of the research cited above was sourced from GOED’s

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